Climate Consultant

The University of California developed Climate Consultant with the support of California Energy Commission. Climate Consultant is based on theoretical work of Baruch Givoni and Milne Murray. Climate Consultant is a simple to use, graphic-based computer program that helps architects, builders, contractor, homeowners, and students understand their local climate. It uses annual 8760 hour EPW (EnergyPlus Weather) format climate data and translates this raw data into dozens of meaningful graphic displays.

  • It Determines the best set of passive design strategies which maximize the number of comfortable hours without using conventional heating or cooling.
  • Sun ShadingChart, Radiation Range Chart, Time Table Plot, Illumination range, Sky Cover Range, Sun Chart, Wind Velocity Range and other weather-related data can be plotted on Climate Consultant for a particular location.


Major Capabilities:

Climate and Weather Data Analysis



Weather Analysis, Climate



Engineers, Building Designers, Energy Evaluators



It’s a free software and can be downloaded from its website


External Link to Source:


Info provided by:

Priyam Tewari

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